The Name-Draw Gift Exchange Was Great!
Dear Tyson --
I have received some beautiful necklaces in my time, but none is more precious to me than the one that you gave to me. Thank you, honey, I'll keep it always.
This blog has been created for the Jones, Brock, Smith, and Fox family as a place to share thoughts, celebrate special occasions, remind each other of events, and generally keep track of what's going on and how we all are. The heartbeat of the family.
Dear Tyson --
Kinda a funny way to "send" a thank you note... But I mean it! It was so fun to do the name draw this year and be thinking about the person you had. And to get phone calls from others for ideas...! It was a very Christmas-y thing to do, and I, for one, think it was a huge success! Furthermore, I make a motion to do it again next year.
I'm sure looking forward to seeing all of you on Saturday. I love this time of year! My mind fills with memories of past Christmases, and all of the fun we've had together. I couldn't be more grateful than I already am for all of you. I love you dearly, and each one is so very special.
Your "secret Santa" notes have been mailed. Be watching for them in a mailbox near you! Just for clarification, they are sent as "to / from" gift tags. The giver's name will be in the FROM and the person you get to shop for this Christmas is the TO. Needing any clarification? Just let me know! Bye for now and happy shopping! Don't's absolutely allowed to ask close family members for ideas on what the receiver might need, want, or like. Have fun! HO HO HO!